Three Times in a Row PTL

For the third time in a row we were able to attend church this morning 🙂 ❤ This was a real blessing since we have been prevented by cold temperature, bad roads, and physical limitations.  We have been able to hear the sermons, thanks to Aaron, but it just isn’t the same as being there for the worship, singing and the friendship of other believers.  So we are rejoicing and praising the Lord for the privilege 🙂

Another blessing this week was the developing health benefits I experienced from being in the group of Clean Eating and Fitness.  I noticed several days this week that it was much easier to think about what I was eating.  As a result many healthier choices were made in what went into my very undisciplined mouth. I will be asking how to invite others to join tomorrow; so if you’re interested just message me on Facebook.

Now, 7 days later, it was 4 times we were able to be back worshiping at our church It is wonderful to be with others in our church family ! We’ve had the benefit of the teaching before but missed the church family so much.  Facebook helps us keep in contact but nothing can take the place of ‘face to face’ fellowship.

If I had the monetary means I would have an elevator installed so I could attend all the wonderful activities that we miss with our physical limitations.  The stairs to the fellowship area are very hard for us to go up safely.  I’m so thankful that the Lord and many of our church family understand my caution.

Blogging regularly will be one of my top priorities for the next 10 weeks to keep me focused on what is really important in our time schedule.  I have been asked several times when the next book will be published. It is time to work on that, as well as prepare for the “special memories recital”.

In the midst of that Bill has a cataract surgery; writing the narration for the recital needs to be completed; former students have to be contacted to see what talent they are going to share; munchies for the recitals need to be planned; regular schedules need to be taken care of  etc etc etc.

Any suggestions on how to put 24 hours worth of work into 16 hours?  Me neither 🙂 Many years ago when I complained with not having enough hours in the day, the Lord asked me, ” if He gave me more hours, how many hours of work would I try to put into the extra hours.”  He knows me so well.

I continue to gain much of my strength and a little more discipline every time I take the time to go to church or spend time reading the Bible.  Hopefully before my 80th birthday I will complete the 75th time of reading completely through this wonderful book.  Hope to be disciplined enough some year to match the times I have completed reading it through with my age.  That is close to the top of my long-range goals.

“In spring a young man’s fancy turns to love” is a well know quote.  Well I’m definitely neither young or a man, so spring gives me very different thoughts.  It is always a time of more busyness and completing the cleaning I usually start at least by mid January.  This year the cleaning is only beginning.  The especially confining temperature of winter plus a mild case of the flue, combined with being exhausted much of the time caused many extra hours of sleep.  I think I slept more in the first two and a half months of 2015  than during any other 10 months. Coupled with the age related limitations I’ll need a miracle from the Lord to complete my  daily goals. The older I get the more I appreciate the benefits of serving the Lord. 🙂

How does the Lord daily bless you?


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